Fiona Tinwei Lam

Fiona Tinwei Lam has authored three poetry collections and a children’s book. She edited The Bright Well:Contemporary Canadian Poems about Facing Cancer, and co-edited two nonfiction anthologies. Shortlisted for the City of Vancouver Book Prize and other awards, her work appears in over 45 anthologies, including Best Canadian Poetry (2010 and 2020) and Best Canadian Essays 2024. She has collaborated on award-winning poetry videos that have screened at festivals internationally and teaches at SFU Continuing Studies. She was Vancouver’s poet laureate 2022-24. 

Latest Book: Odes & Laments

Please consider purchasing this book through Abraxas, our local independent bookstore and an important partner in the Festival. Open page: Abraxas

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Author Fiona Tinwei Lam
